About us

Hi! My name is Donna Gonzales, and I am a wife to an amazing husband, a mother of two wonderful girls, and two hyper and loving bulldogs. I fell in love with creating things when my family first began to grow. I would scrapbook every picture I took so my girls would have something to have their childhood memories in. As the years passed and my girls grew up, I got out of scrapbooking and turned more towards digital work and keepsake pieces. 

My oldest daughter, Stephanie, is my assistant designer and blog editor. She has always been just as creative as I am. We would scrapbook together when she was younger, and as she has grown up, her creativity has grown as well. She loves to paint, draw (both with pen and paper and digitally), and find ways to help others express themselves with a creative outlet.

I used to have a brick in mortar store, to sell scrapbooking supplies along with my own creations. I also participated in several trade shows throughout the years, and loved meeting new people and building more inspiration, as well as providing more inspiration. I also have several successful Etsy stores, each catered to different categories of product I create to sell, along with a few other online platforms.

Now that my girls are grown up and starting to move away from home, I have my puppies to love on. Semper Fi and Semper Fina have helped fill my empty nest and given me more “children” to love. They have become such a big part of the family, I even have them included in my business!

I started to find my calling as an entrepreneur and in online sales several years ago when I realized people really liked what I was creating. I wanted to create a platform that could reach further than my community, and for the people that were interested in buying from me. I have always been a creative person and enjoy sharing my creations with anyone who likes them!